So why a Liquid Fast?

Welcome Everyone!

So why am I doing a liquid fast you might ask? Isn’t that so extreme? Well I have been overweight most of the last 20 years. I’ve read so many books on nutrition and health and have often tried to follow a whole foods plant-based diet because I believe that is the healthiest option for me. But I kept feeling like a failure because even on whole food plant-based diet I would still gain weight. I am a food addict, and without an in depth plan most diet changes do not work! That led me to have very harsh criticisms toward myself that I was just weak and didn’t have any willpower. We judge ourselves in a similar way to how we judge other people around us. It wasn’t until my sister introduced me to the Bright-Line Eating Book by Susan Peirce Thompson, that I finally understood the psychology behind food addiction and how common it really is with the food that’s so available today.

After reading the bright-line eating Book, my eyes were wide open. I realized that I am extremely high on the susceptibility scale for being a food addict. 10 is the highest on the scale but honestly I am probably more like a 20. When it comes to food I have zero control. The only success in the last 20 years that I’ve had in losing weight and getting out of the danger zone health-wise and not feeling like a giant eye sore walking on the street, was when I did a 5-week liquid fast. It was tough but I got my weight down and for the first time in a long time I felt amazing physically and emotionally!

I’d only committed to a month and so after 5 weeks I decided to try to just go back to a plant-based diet. But…. unfortunately within days I was binge eating. For many of you who are plant-based, you know that there are so many options now out there that are vegan but definitely not low calorie. So once I’m able to eat solid food, the gig is up! So my goal is actually to be on a very high nutrition liquid diet indefinitely….. Yes.

I’ve had almost 40 years of binge eating and those days have to stop if I’m going to make it any longer in this life. So I would have to say, what is more drastic? Dying in my 40’s from obesity related illnesses, or having a delicious and high nutrition liquid diet which doesn’t test my food addiction nearly as much as solid food?? Liquids fill me up a lot faster, so even if they are not very low calorie I still lose weight because the density tends to be a lot less than solid food.

The truth is, everyone is different. Not one thing will work for everyone. So I’m not suggesting that everyone who is overweight go on a liquid diet, not at all. I’m just explaining why this is right for me at this time in my life.

Thank you for joining me today! I hope this sheds a little light on what I am doing and my journey to lose over a hundred pounds!

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